In the current climate one of the more difficult challenges for larger companies is to attract high quality graduate recruits. We have often been asked to address this challenge by producing graduate recruitment videos. This medium is especially effective with a younger generation more adept with browsing social media platforms. Here is a good example of graduate recruitment video work we have done recently with AMOSS solicitors.
The Aim
After working with them last year on an overall corporate video, AMOSS approached us to produce recruitment videos. The goal was to define the company as both a friendly and open yet challenging and rewarding place to work. Our approach was to produce videos that showed the depth and breadth of the work and training with graduates. It was also important to bring out the individual personalities of the graduates. All of this as well to be completed in under a minute, so it could be delivered over social media.
The Approach
When you attempt to bring out someones personality in a video it is essential you pre-interview them. This will help to get a feel for their character. It will also allow time to uncover the more interesting stories that won’t come out under the pressure of the lights. The added benefit to a pre-interview is the interviewee gets to know you. When it comes to showtime they will be much more comfortable and much less nervous.
We filmed the five trainees over the course of a day. First conducting in-depth but relaxed interviews about their work and life at AMOSS, followed by coverage of them working. Our schedule had to be organised to the smallest detail, so that we could work around the timings of a busy legal office. We utilised multiple cameras in the interviews and we extensively used sliders and slow-mo in the coverage footage. All coming together to create a lush high end look and feel.
In the edit we could start with a cut that used the best material from each interview. That basic framework established, we could craft each minute-long piece to cover all aspects of AMOSS.
The Result
We delivered the final videos in multiple formats for use in various social media platforms.
Here is how AMOSS are utilising the videos on youtube. From here they are easily distributed through their social network platform presences.